Unix Admins Full time or Contract NYC BAnKJA2136
CATEGORY: Information Technology and R&D LOCATION:
As a member of the New York Systems Administration team you will be required to manage, maintain and support a large number of medium to enterprise class systems according to existing procedures and utilizing in-house and standard Unix tools. We require solid Solaris skills, and a working knowledge of Web infrastructures. Experience working with HP Open View is also a plus. There is ample scope for project work and development of new services and tools.
Eight (8) years experience in UNIX Systems Administration required. Proven
project management, communication, writing and organizational skills also
required. Ability to work unsupervised, with a good understanding of
technical and customer support. Solid Solaris skills. Solid understanding of networking and standard network
applications and scripting (ksh, bourne). PERL/PYTHON would be a bonus. HP
OpenView knowledge in a UNIX environment would be a definite advantage.
Bachelors Degree or equivalent required.
Email resume in Word to jeffaltman@cisny.com ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE EXPERIENCE SOUGHT. Please include the job code with the position.
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