Access 5.02.2007
| Access |
| Edition #135, May 2, 2007 |
"Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." George Carlin
Next School Board Meeting is at 5:30 on May 8th.
Brevard Public Schools has won the Governor's Sterling Award for 2007! The Sterling Award is based on the National Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and promotes organizational performance excellence. Since 1992, The Florida Sterling Council has assisted organizations in utilizing proven standards of excellence as a guide to making improvements that generate better operations, customer value, and overall results. The Florida Sterling Council is a public/private not-for-profit corporation comprised of public and private sector members and supported by the Executive Office of the Governor. "I am honored to congratulate and recognize the 2007 Governor's Sterling Award Recipients," said Governor Crist. "The process required for receiving this award is recognized as one of the most comprehensive methods for any organization to improve performance and drive excellent results." Congratulations to Dr. DiPatri and his team for their efforts. I was proud of you for going through the process and the learning and introspection that came with it. But I'm overjoyed that you were recognized for your accomplishments.
Dr. DiPatri has been invited to serve on the International Advisory Board for Florida's new math and science education research center the Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (FCR-STEM). Dr. DiPatri was selected for his "exceptional leadership in education, particularly in math and science".
Stone Middle School student Ted Straight flew aboard ZERO-G's G-Force One aircraft the day before Stephen Hawking's historic flight. Accompanied by Hawking's physicians, Straight supported a practice-run to develop the procedures required to ensure Hawking's comfort and safety during the next day's flight. Straight was nominated for the opportunity by Brevard County School Board member Larry Hughes. Straight and Hawking met after the test flight during a Hawking lecture and reception, sponsored by Space Florida in Orlando. (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's SPACErePORT)
Join Our Winning Team! Our Career Fair for educators is scheduled for June 8th. A Support Staff Career Fair will be held on May 19th and we are seeking cafeteria workers, childcare workers, instructional assistants, janitorial staff, maintenance & operations personnel and bus drivers. Details are available at or at 321-633-1000.
Head Lice Brevard follows the procedures of the Health Department which are based on the Communicable Disease Control Center and the Pediatric Red Book. State and local medical communities are in agreement with our procedure which is listed in both the Elementary and Secondary Handbooks. Head lice are contracted from direct contact lice crawl, they don't jump, fly or leap. Headgear, hats, combs and bedding are common ways of transmitting head lice. Parents will be notified if their child is observed to have head lice and will be re-admitted with a signed statement indicating treatment. School classes may be notified of an infestation problem in a specific class. No otherwise healthy child should be excluded from class due to nits nor should they be excluded from going out to dinner, to Sunday school, playing on a ball team, or outdoor play due to head lice or nits.
"Encouraging development from the Florida Legislature: Senators approved a bill Thursday that requires them to tell the truth. Discouraging development from the Florida Legislature: They did so only after more than 15 minutes of heated debate, and even then, three voted against the measure." (St. Petersburg Times) I am, simply, speechless.
What are the small rivers that run into the Nile? Juve-niles.
Larry E. Hughes Parent, Citizen (321) 724-4203
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