Monday, July 16, 2007

Do you need help or information about obtaining a work visa or green card?

As more US businesses become open to hiring people who are working in the US under a visa, getting a visa, negotiating the bureaucracy in the US to obtain a visa and, once you have one, get your green card becomes more and more important. After all, getting your green card will allow you greater freedom to change jobs, earn more money and get access to better job opportunities. In the past, it took 3-6 months to exhaust the available supply; this year, the supply was exhausted in one day.
Visaflow will help you negotiate the increasingly complicated currents of obtaining an H-1b PLUS help you get your green card. Their website provides a lot of free information, too. Service is available anywhere in the world.
For more information, go to Visaflow's website.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter 
Concepts in Staffing