Friday, July 24, 2009

Do you know Doostang?

Remember when Facebook would say that they were targeted toward grads from particular schools? They abandoned that idea a long time ago and have become a huge success (obviously)

I started using Doostang several years ago when it was a very new service; I became distracted with other things. I recently returned to it with an eye toward seeing how they were now and saw some good things.

Doostang will ask you to enter the name of the university you attended before they admit you. From there it is a cool social network with excellent jobs in a variety of sectors (for those of you in financial services, they have quite a few jobs open) . . . but seeing the jobs in detail is a paid service but not expensive.

They have HR jobs, accounting and audit jobs, investment banking jobs . . . sorry, I'm not going to type all the categories or job types.

You can join for the free service of networking and check out information about the jobs once you've joined and make your decision then.

If you join, send a connection request to me!



Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter