Monday, April 23, 2007

Access, 4.22.2007

This week,

we are all Hokies.




Edition #134, April 22, 2007








Starbucks spends more on employee health insurance than they do on coffee beans.








Next School Board Meeting is at 5:30 on April 24th.







Brevard Public Schools will hold our 3rd Annual Career Fair on Friday, June 8th at the Radisson Resort at the Port in Cape Canaveral. This event continues to grow in size as applicants seek to join one of the best employers in the nation, currently ranked 13th by the AARP. See you there!


Community leadership was again demonstrated by Principal Kathryn Eward and the staff of Creel Elementary. Following a fatal gas explosion in their community, approximately 30 children were evacuated, some suffering trauma. The Creel team identified each child affected; made personal contact with the child and parents; provided counseling support to the children; made transportation arrangements from temporary housing provided by Howard Johnson's to school; arranged for replacement books, book bags and materials; and worked with the Melbourne Fire and Police Departments. They are also collecting food and clothing for the families; coordinating summer opportunities; and providing ongoing support to the families of the three deceased and seven hospitalized. Ms. Eward exemplifies the servant leader from which we can all learn.


I was a speaker at the 2007 Space Coast Human Resources Conference on April 18th, addressing Workforce Readiness initiatives in our schools. Thanks to the South Brevard Society for HR Management and the Melbourne-Palm Bay Chamber for hosting the event.


I was criticized by the President of Union Local 2098 at the April 10th Board Meeting for not participating in their "administrative performance assessment". Without quantifiable performance measures, this is not a "performance assessment" but is a popularity contest. I will not dignify their unscientific survey with my participation.


Thankfully, the take-your-gun-to-work bill died. Expect to see it again next session, though.


Why does round pizza come in a square box?


Larry E. Hughes

Parent, Citizen

(321) 724-4203


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