My wife doesn't make many business suggestions but when she does, they usually work well for everyone The other night, we were talking about things I could do to help more people find work. A few months ago, she supported the idea of my cutting the price of my e-products to $50 for the full package from $93. She liked the idea of my reducing the price of the individual products from $39 to $20. "You'll help more people that way," she said. Two months ago she suggested that I give away a copy of one of my e-books for free if they buy another e-book. Many of you took me up on the offer. This morning before I left for work and she left for a retreat in England, she made the suggestion, "Suggest that they buy The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers and then give them a copy of one "No B.S. Job Search Advice" for free. I took a deep breath and said, "If you think it will help more people find work in these times, I'll do it." Companies expect you to be well-prepared for questions about your work and your professional knowledge. The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers will help you with the part of the interview that most people don't do particularly well on--the behavioral interview questions that so many people get tripped up on. It will get you very well-prepared for these questions and give you the confidence you need to defeat an interviewer. They also will give you a few bonuses with your order. Order by midnight on Memorial Day and I'll send you a copy of "No B.S. Job Search Advice: Clear Advice from The Big Game Hunter That Will Help You Land Your Next Job FAST! (for free. Job hunting can be much easier and, dare I say, painless! "No B.S. Job Search Advice" was written with an eye toward teaching you about the strategies that work in boom times and bust times. Again, order a copy of The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers by Memorial Day at midnight and receive a free copy of "No B.S. Job Search Advice: Clear Advice from The Big Game Hunter That Will Help You Land Your Next Job FAST! Jeff  |